
Thank you for taking the time to answer. I see where you are coming from and agree Chris Brown and other black celebs who do time, as opposed to people with much more power and privilege that they don’t miss a day out in the LA sunshine, also get 100x more public scrutiny for their trouble. I think your view is really

****collective MEMORY**** I was half asleep when I wrote that.

there is a double standard black men face that seems impossible, insurmountable and totally fucking unfair and quite frankly it’s deadly. I will march against the,school to prison pipeline and violence against black bodies but protesting people remembering a rape committed by a dude that could knock out any person in

I have no expectations of him.

Does intent matter when there is other context? Its not officially a sex anthem but everyone perceives it to be about sex. Also, lyrics cited above.

Yeah, he is out living life and making the money. But his supporters are so sensitive that they can’t be REMINDED of that time he violently forced himself on a woman begging him not to? Give me a break. Should we also point out that he was largely a product of poverty and the prison system (a lot of juvie as a kid

This is more or less stated above. The article is about the really bad choice of song and the rape/sex reference is the first one that would come to any persons mind. I realize he was failed by the system as a child and had a terrible traumatizing childhood but violent rape is something people shouldn’t forget. I do

I may or may not have danced to a Spin Doctors song with a friend in 5th grade. I’m not proud.

I don’t know why this show is even popular. Thanks for finding that quote from the victim. I would never have seen it.

Now I’m jealous.

I agree. Just struck me odd.

Redacted the beach name but left the street number and then mention the Rockaways? I’m no super sleuth but...

OMG, douche is still MRAngry.

This guy is intolerable on NY1. He is a delusional narcissist and I wish he would gorge himself on the scum at the bottom of the Gowanus.

No, a conair flat iron.

FYI, If you would ever like to flat iron your pubes I will loan you my flat iron.

I am a FLAT-IRONED pube. It’s an important distinction.

OMG, there is that “rational” logic of yours. You definitely lose.

um, you can’t scream on the internet. Also, you are so MRAngry.

You’re MRAngry.