What if I start being gay?
What if I start being gay?
I didn't think that. But, yeah. Comments lack context.
Its the internets. I don't take anything too seriously. You can say amazeballs here with impunity.
Agreed. Ten thousand high fives.
I still see this unnecessary classification of body parts happening here. Is it possible to stop assigning value to a body? I read her comment as feeling validated and my reaction to her/him/ them is: "Good for you". That's all. I see what you are saying and I realize you didn't like that whack-ass site either. …
But she was talking about her own personal feelings. Is it so important to think yourself an expert on how she feels? Does it matter? Glad you didn't intentionally put up that crap site. I still think labeling a body part, particularly a woman's breasts as one thing or another or using that body part to create a…
Also, not being judged solely based on a body part is important. I don't think Keira's intention was to have adolescents discuss small breasts. I think it was to honor real bodies in general.
I just think the site was shitty. And trying to discredit the initial commenter who was stating her feelings of validation was shitty. I appreciate all tits, dangerous and innocuous, alike. Some opinions/comments/websites I reserve the right to dislike.
I only take issue with the website where someone is assigning labels to all the women based on their breasts.
I wasn't serious. Poking fun. I haven't thrown rocks. It was a douchey website. Initial poster seemed like an intentionally obtuse devil's advocate douche AND he referenced hipster-douche MRA type headwear in his name. My comment to you was just poking fun. Enjoy your red vintage fedora, which, I was…
You own a fedora.
My statement holds true.
Mr. Fedora, that site lists Cristina Ricci's chest as flat. Um. Wat. Me thinks it was created by another douche in a fedora. Shah-dap.
It was a fuck up. You do realize we are on deadspin where comments range from "rapey and violent, LOL" to "rapey, violent, slut-shamey,, LOL". Its all problematic... not just on Jez. The idea is to respond in kind and make the change. The point is they corrected it. Also, it was a male perspective... Doug Barry? …
The first one was bad. So, your frustration is warranted. Just wanted you to know that I was and most (all?) readers were very upset by it. Oversights are allowed as far as missing the follow up article. The first article was really disturbing. I guess they did what they could to correct the oversight.
not at all.
Boxer/husky baby