cool story weenis
cool story weenis
because they are rightfully doing so. Do you read the articles or just comment on them? He did this in many states and has already been found guilty. Past behavior is a pretty good indicator of future behavior. Based on your previous comments, I predict you will continue to be a Dipshit. Carry on, little Weenis.
and your dipshittery concedes Lindy's point. Carry on, Weenisbreath.
This sounds like the kind of argument a douchy creep and or rapist might make.
Dipshit, this is like the 6th rape they are trying to pin on him. They already have hard and fast proof that he drugged several other women and raped them as well as one dude, oops by accident.
Um, I disagree, yo. The "urban" vernacular smacks of that lame ass hipster racism, yo.
Not to mention the racism implicit in those names and descriptors... hipsters, yo. I'm guessing not a native of Rockaway.
the interviewer is insufferable.
I was an F/A in a previous life. If you want the good stories, interview a couple of seasoned flight attendants.
I know more than one Bevilaqua which is Italian for drink water. Perhaps similar situation?
Lindy, you the best.
Happy to do it.
3:13- "Roberta Davies, Jet Magazine" *and Pryor salutes* LOVE IT
No way, this is a sonic shart ala Canada.
at least Canada has to take responsibility for her, not the US for a change.
Fuck you
Oh boy, we got the real deal over here!! Ex-Con myself. How about this one: "if you puke all over your food tray, don't hand me the tray until I can get a bag or some gloves or... just don't do that, please"
I can't believe this shit was posted.
bullshit. I have five brothers and farts and work are the only things they talk about.