Nope. Wrong. Not everyone has access to birth control AND this is an article about men sabotaging birth control. Check your privilege because your ignorance is effing odious. If it takes two people to make a child the onus is on all parties involved. Crack a history book. Read up on social inequity and power…
The fact that male contraceptives are not on the market also indicates coercion, no? I detect a patern here. Kudos on using the word "dearth". I hope you're proud of yourself. Also, good luck with your healthy relationships in the future.
Peta would be all over that.
Take it easy, you're so MRAngry. And you are also a little ignorant. That $8 operationthat a man can get is reversable. Women bear the burden of birth ccontrol (and birth) since time immemorial. If a dude doesnt want a child he should take proper precaution and cut it with the whining about how he fucked somebody and…
Coercive family planning imposed upon women happens in SO many forms. Whether it be by the government, the community or boyfriend/ husband/ rapist etc dating back to biblical times. It blows my mind that people believe it is primarily women who try to "manipulate" a partner by getting pregnant. It is the WOMAN who…
Dah...dah... Dooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooosh.
I am not here to amuse you. You really are a Doosh.
It was intentional
Does she snark about dudes binge drinking and eating out at restaurants? (not rhetorical) Also, how is the massive chip on your shoulder? Heavy? (not rhetorical)