
I agree. The fact that this symbolism is lost on some is mind boggling. Destroying the concept of "us and them" was the purpose of this symbolism in the bible. How is it that we have gotten stupider over the course of a couple millenia?

They took it from pinterest which took it from the internet.

I got your point. And I still think its pretty weak. Some comment on age and dating from who knows who, when or where is not applicable here. Someone said something this one time? Really? Its not even anecdotal. If it is unethical that a 30 year old (regardless of gender) date a 19 year old adult is another

Can we not call a 19 year old a girl? Please? Really, what the hell?

Why is this an issue as it pertains to women? The same goes for dudes! Perhaps more convenient for society that men may be too ashamed to discuss sexual violation when they come home? The details of war really are not pleasant.

The shoes DON'T fit the guys. They got some Drizella feet hanging out of their partners shoes.

I think you created a false dichotomy. this concept doesn't fit.

I think you created a false dichotomy. this concept doesn't fit.

I think you created a false dichotomy. this concept doesn't fit.

There is no such thing as a slut!! No Santa Claus either.

Do people wear garter belts under jeans?

Thanks for this. I am a strait, cis-gendered woman and I catch myself checking out women's breasts occasionally regardless of what they wear because bodies are kind of fascinating. I'm pretty sure I am not the only woman who does this and I am fairly certain I have never made anyone uncomfortable because, you know,

There could be a more nuanced message here: i.e. letting young adults know that they don't have to wear revealing clothing to fit in or find a relationship could be useful and valuable advice. Then again, to your point, there is a dog whistle message here that pathologizes the human body. It puts the onus on the


as if male fighters don't spend 99% of their time on the ground: face/taint, face/taint. Oh, but their kama sutra-esque crotch sniffing is waaaay more skilled.

She persevered despite a massive onslaught of hate. Clearly, you are one of those people who can only see women in the damsel in distress framework. Are you the big strong hero in this story? Is that not just what she talked about? Try a little nuance in your life, dummy. Win/ lose, strong/weak, those are false

Foreign adults with US born children are deported often. Don't think "anchor babies" work. So, isn't this hotel bunk?