Happy Noodle Girl

I am on the 5th episode and can honestly say the show is likeable. I had no expectations going in, but the story is good! Not to mention the soundtrack for the show is everything I want in my life. There is good eye-candy in the form of Travis Mills. The "free coffee" bit was super chuckle worthy, and is a running

Well there is a film I need to watch. Timothy Dalton and big rigs, you say?

As would I. Someone needs to make that film already.

No matter how much we viewers complain about characters being sacrificed for plot, the writers never seem to get it. It is like they are intent on disrespecting us at every turn.

100% agree with TWD and Shane being sacrificed to make Rick appear more manly, but it was Andrea being served up to the zombie Gods which pushed me to stop watching for good. I do not even read blurbs about it anymore.
And when I was younger, I stopped watching Naruto right when Gaara was getting killed. I heard he was

Couldn't, or Wouldn't?

I never knew what a snicker doodle was before this morning.

I only want to know why Emma is not shimmery green and scaly.