She knew too much.
She knew too much.
I can only imagine what Sutter's original pitch for "Mum" was.
There are SEAL teams that don't have as high a body count as SAMCRO.
He actually dropped an n-bomb in the first episode he was in.
It's kinda like how Tara's crushed hand seemed to get stronger everytime she hit someone with it.
The thought occured to me that SAMCRO could've prevented a lot of problems if they had found Gemma some friends her own age to hang out with.
Playing Halo 5 will probably be nowhere near as fun as watching Microsoft desperately hit the reset button in regards to the XBone.
My favorite part of the preview was Agent Hotness from 24 asking the perfectly reasonable question about whether or not the robots have an off-switch, and George Clooney's replacement on ER responding by getting pissy and screaming "How dare you ask if I have a contigency plan to MURDER MY SON!"
I'm really looking forward to multiple seasons of a story Batman Begins only took an hour to tell.
Yeah this is the third time he's been on the run hasn't it?
A bad call? This show is dead ABC!
What kind of grown ass adult uses the word "hater" unironically?
So what's the big deal about the TV features? It just seems like you're paying 500 bucks to avoid the hassle of pressing input on your remote.
More like "Boy, this would be so much better with constant montages set to awful covers sung by the creator's wife."
Terminator Sequel! Is there any phrase more thrilling to the human soul?
Tara you weren't stabbed multiple times in the head! It was all a dream!
This show is pretty much built on wacky misunderstandings that result in horrifying acts of murder. It's sorta like Three's Company with a body count.
"Thank you Daddy for having that grieving mother murdered because her eleven year old son killed people with a gun you sold. You truly are a good person and a good father."
I really loved the monologue in the beginning montage:
Wendy nearly killing Abel while under the influence: A horrible crime that will never be completely forgiven or forgotten.