butter-wrapped suede

There’s another option:  don’t have rebound relationships.  Heal up from the divorce a bit, get a sense of who you are first, then start dating.  

Born in CA in the late 60's, Mexican American mother whose parents discouraged her from having other Latino friends, or speaking Spanish. We bought Velveeta because it was cheap, along with Kraft Singles. On some level my mother also thought it was “white food” and that’s what she fed us—alongside corn tortillas,

Brilliantly researched and written. So effectively he is a Dreamer? This whole thing is maddening, including just the fracking unrest it creates in the country at large. While he’s lucky to have some money, that won’t last long if he’s separated from his primary market. And that doesn’t excuse how painfully difficult

This same issue plagues Latino home births in Texas--the birth certificates in some cases are being declared as incorrect or illegal and those children then face deportation hearings. 

I neither got a pay bump AND my refund will be lower because my home office deduction was eliminated.  Thanks GOP.

Dude, I totally want my God to be the Great Bear Ursa!

She’s still around?

We need a Piers Morgan initiative, a la Dan Savage’s Rick Santorum initiative.

Yes!  I’m a biracial 50yo woman--when this first came out I was moved to tears!  I’d waited my whole life to see my family portrayed so simply.

No I’m not. You don’t hit 12 year olds. You don’t hit children in public. You don’t hit children. Period.

Holy shit!

Horrific.  I don’t care what the lead up is/was.  Someone on Twitter commented that clearly this man doesn’t see her as human, much less a child.  I’m shocked he was out so quickly.  I hope he gets his ass thrown in jail for a long, long, long time.

I see, I took you overly literally. ;) Hope I didn’t come off as a children’s book reading fascist. Yeah, had my share of books I never wanted to read again too. And I’m sure my parents got tired of my fascination with a specific early 70's era Sesame Street anthology’s story with the stanza:

I’m with you on the every now and then—my point had more to do with the post about kicking to the curb an entire segment of books that a large number of kids usually respond well to based upon adult preferences only.

Hard disagree on the Dr. Seuss books. The silly nonsense of something like “One Fish Two Fish” can get old real fast on repeat readings. I’ve personally never been a fan of most of his work.

Some of the commentary makes me very sad. The purpose of reading aloud to children isn’t for me as an adult to be entertained—it’s for children to be entertained, to learn that reading is both fun and a time of closeness, and especially that books are magical.  My parents also quickly turned it around so that I read

Respectfully, I disagree. I would also like to point out that the books aren’t meant to be for adult enjoyment, they are for children to enjoy. What you thought was cool at 5 versus what you think is cool at 35 should be vastly different.
I did my time as a mom reading books or stories that perhaps weren’t my fave, but

Same.  I’m a larger woman and finding good plus size clothing at Good Will or Salvation Army can be hard to do.  

You are describing how I dealt with onions--at a certain point in my teen years I simply asked my mom if I could chop the onions, because I was willing and able to spend more time dicing them finely.

While I am sorry for the lingering physical difficulties that c-sections may have left you with--your births were good births, you are healthy and your babies are here and healthy.  Well done mama.