
Erm, I just like to point out that Sweden doesn't have fjords, it's Norway.

I'll chime in. Stellan Skarsgård har åtta avkommor. Såvitt jag vet är tre av dessa skådespelare, Alexander, Gustaf och Bill. Det vore hur kul som helst att se dem agera tillsammans med sin pappa och det i något komiskt sammanhang som Welcome To Sweden. Men för att återgå till din fråga - även om den inte är seriös -

"Keep Yourself Warm" by Frightened Rabbit:

It will look pathetic next to all my real barrels filled with money.

There're few tv shows that made me laugh as hard as Breaking Bad. It has proved to me that it can be hilarious watching somebody trying to kill a fly.

Damn, I admit that I would love to have that apron! I would wear it too; it's too bad none of my friends or family would get it. A barrel I can do without.

I watched Paper Moon some years ago for the first time, and I'm glad that I at that point hardly knew anything about the O'Neals' personal lives. Yes, their behaviour is of course a shame, but I try not to let that take away one of the most delightful movie experience I've had. "Allowing" that to happen would be

My favourite line is by Addie at the county jail where she plays the role of an innocent, adorable little girl - giving the deputy a big smile, being polite. And then she says "Daddy, I need to go to the shithouse". Gets me every time.

Well, an NC-17 rating would've been a little promising sign.

I'll probably watch this and the only reason is Alan Rickman.

Supposedly Johnny Ramone went to one of their concerts and threw rocks at them. Awesome, just awesome. And I hope this really happened.

'OTHER monstrous human being' - that's a poignant choice of words (even if I here use it in a different meaning). Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is a monster, but a human one. There seems to be an endless need to demonize, but that is always the easy and often biased way. Choosing to use that picture on the cover contradict some

Well, I like Social D. Though, what I least like are when they dwell to Americana; sometimes it's just too much. That's a direction I've never been partial to. I haven't managed to get into Hard Times And Nursery Rhymes. I don't know the general concensus about this, but I for one really like Sex, Love and Rock 'n'

I'm not a huge fan of J.R.R. Tolkien's work which is a bit strange; between the age of 10 and 17 fantasy was practically the only genre I read. It was the Lord of the Ring-films that made the impact and joy I wish I had gotten from the books. I definitely see the quality of Tolkien's writing, but the emotional

I would go with Ramones' version.

Hi and welcome! I'm a Swedish gal. I used to be a lurker for quite some time, I still mostly lurk. I usually pop in every day to at least read the newswire and its comments. No one probably knows who I am here, but there're so many great people around here; it's very enjoyable to read their funny, smart and thoughtful

I belong to the "gentleman's F" list: "a failing grade would be undignified, like throwing feces from the monkey cage".

Dany's compassion for the slaves is also rooted in the connection between her and them. She herself was sold to Khal Drogo. I think it was very poignant when she said that people can learn to love their chains. It has a more ambiguous meaning than that, but it reveals something essential. She follows her heart - with

@avclub-52daa17a306006563a5361c316f87c7b:disqus Speaking of Yara, I love her; another great kick-ass female on the show. It was so rewarding to watch her stand up against her father. Hope to see more of her next season.

I loved that little smile by Varys when Tyrion made that mocking speech about Joffrey being a monster.