
Back of the Arrowverse.

Here's to him hanging with that guy that did that one pose.

A week from today, he would have been in Houston.

We're probably more inclined to share outrage about this asshole.

Thanks. Just listened to Magic City on the way to work. It was nice.

What ails me now?

So, which are the albums with the Polvo bassist? I'm too lazy to do more than skim right now.

Let's make it a night time scene, but shoot it in the day. Darken that fucker up and ignore those 2 in the afternoon shadows.

Just give him a job and don't use his jokes.

It's a classification of the tumor as not being malignant or cancerous. That's just how it is classified medically. But, as you noted, benign tumors can cause problems in and of themselves.

At the end of the day, aren't they all black?

Was trying to slyly slip in my favorite MTE song

There's a disconnection in your two listens.

If they can maintain their trend of increasingly exceptional albums, this will be a fucking treasure.

Delivered to him by a sweaty polar bear

Residing at the 1600 block of Wrestlemania

Paper and scissors.

u, r, a, and l

You must be on bottom using a shitty soft mattress.

That's an album that is a required over-ear headphones experience at least a few times. There's some magic happening there.