
Covering the last twenty years? So, every fucking body?

It's just locked bedroom talk

Basket of Inhumans has a nice ring to it, if they're looking to jazz up the title.

I'll tell your wife later

Too soon

So you are younger than I thought and were not a breech birth?

I scrolled through the comments a bit and I'm sure variations (or verbatim) of this has already been said, but I look forward to his supporters not getting all the shit they chanted at every rally.

Cosby. You know, because Trump is good with the blacks.

Damn…he seems like a likable enough guy. After the election, I'm willing to cut him some major slack.

I concur, sadly. I still believe in Colbert after seeing his reaction mirror a majority of popular voters reactions live on his Showtime special. I know he's on CBS, but I hold out some hope. Probably being naive, though.

Dad, mom, brother, uncles, aunts, cousins, step-parents…how did I fall so far from that tree? Gullible and misguided is what they are and I've always known that. The last time I felt this way after an election was W's second term, but his emptiness wasn't as blatantly displayed and had a slower onset. You could almost

A banana republic…is that what he meant by bringing jobs back over here. What does that mean for my rewards program?

I live in Texas and hope we follow through on the threat to secede we like to wheel out occasionally. Then, I can leave the country and head to New Mexico or something.

He does only have one eye making depth perception tough.

He has so far

Yeah, it took a sad turn.

Charles - in charge

How do I get in on that action?

I assume this is an all spin zone

It's your stiffdick duty