
Kerri Strug herself understands that. She’sbeen very supportive of Biles’s decision.

Béla Károlyi deseved a conviction and prison for child endangerment for allowing Kerri Strug to vault with an injured ankle. Comparing Ms. Biles to Ms. Strug’s experiences is useful only as an example of how athletes’ health issues should be handled vs. how they have been and often are mishandled.

She made fun of a stupid dance. The only reason anyone is pretending to be outraged is because black tik-tok dances are apparently sacred ground now because of some skit Jimmy Fallon did or something, I dunno. This website uses snark and sarcasm to insult in almost every single article yet you obviously don’t mind

We’ve found Scorsese’s sock puppet account.

I assume Gwen’s bridesmaids were all of Japanese descent and forbidden from speaking?

I know it’s not the same thing but it kind of feels like y’all should note that Jezebel (and others— including press in interviews) similarly asked questions about/objectified the series’ male lead’s genitalia

Is he? He didn’t eat the other five, despite being the largest.

no matter who the best Friend is, Ross will always be absolute fucking worst.

DJ Anne is definitely a keeper, and telling Siobhan to go might be just the thing that makes her determined to stay.”

Errrr.... did the screener copy leave out the later scene where Siobhan had a meltdown (partly edible and booze fueled) when Anne seemed to be ghosting her (as much as you can be ghosted in just a

  • Sarah Jessica Parker alluded to the inappropriate actions of a “movie star.” [Entertainment Tonight] - Was it..Mathew McConaughey? 

I have a great deal of respect for Jameela Jamil coming forward with her story, and I deeply and sincerely hope that unkind words online are the worst that comes of it. I honestly fear for the safety of people who openly admit to having had an abortion, given the current climate. 

Please stop covering Olivia Jade. Don’t make this absolute nobody into a household name. She’s already done the most interesting thing she’ll ever do. 

So this asshole was in the theater with his phone out taking pictures? He’s worse than the spoiler.

“is presently the company’s golden child.”
It’s not even a good movie. I don’t understand all the hype and idiocy this movie has caused.  

That’s a step up from the usual “dad fucks daughter” videos that dominate it the last few years

“Pete smokes so much weed that it makes people uncomfortable.”

Let me see if I get this straight. You don’t know this guy. He doesn’t know you. Since you’re a fan, whatever hits he ever had you already own. Still you find it terribly hard to stop supporting him even though it helps him continue to rape with impunity. Don’t hide behind words like love, this is about being as

Funny how worried he is about disrespecting a man, but he has no problem doing far worse to women.

How is Jason Mantzoukas eating these wonderfully terrible cakes with his deadly egg allergy? Protect our gentle lunatics!

Also, this is what the baby who played Brady looks like now, in case you were curious.