
Her constituents did that already.

Frederick Douglass.

This was a stupid post. 

Hi, fellow tall girl here. I feel you on some of those hang ups. My BF is only a lil taller than me but weighs a loooot less, so in many ways he’s smaller than me. Still, not gonna lie, I really like the fact that he can pick me up p easily regardless. Dumb shit to value, but hey, we’re imperfect meat sacks.

As a tall girl (5'11) I get unreasonably annoyed at this stuff. If you’re 5'2, everyone is taller than you- most guys can pick you up. Leave the giants to those of us who need them! I have never been girly or felt delicate because I’m always taller than the guys, even in flats.

Agreed on “Shallow”. “Remember Us This Way” is also way better than “I’ll Never Love Again.”

I like “Shallow” about a 1000x better. “I’ll Never Love Again” is bland and overprocessed. I wondered if that was actually part of the (meta) point - Ally’s “sound” at the end had grown past the vulgar crap her manager was pushing but didn’t have the heart of her earlier music with Jackson.

It’s fun to know we can’t even get murdered righ.

Didn’t he pick her up in a 21 and over bar?

To be honest, I’m much more worried about what if there was a fire or other emergency. Wouldn’t that have trapped all those people in there? This sounds even more serious when you learn more details.

Uh, where was Taylor Swift during the 2016 presidential election?

This seriously did not need to be the week to take a dump on Taylor Swift for doing something right. 

I swear.  Taylor does what y’all beg her to do and then you still find a way to shit on her for it.  Either you want her to speak up politically or you don’t. Pick one. 

Ugh. We get it, you’ve read a book. Congrats. Let the guy have his joke, Poindexter.

Tupac should start wearing a mask.  They’re terribly comfortable and everyone will be wearing them in the future.

That’s not the real Tupac. He just inherited the Instagram account from the previous Tupac. He also wasn’t the real Tupac. His name was Cummerbund. The real Tupuc has been retired 15 years and is living like a king in Patagonia.  

My MIL is a social worker and I remember her telling me that a lot of former addicts get really into fitness because it gives them something to focus their energy on, essentially.

So....body shaming is ok if it’s a man with very public addiction issues seemingly trying to get healthy??