
I’m sure there’s a lot of PR going on here and there are probably 20 marketing people behind every single photo and blurb, and blah blah blah... But damn. Those two are fucking.

So... Was it a good song? Bad? Crowd reaction? Did he say anything? You could have given us the headline only. What a pointless “article”

I loved him as Eddie the doomed vampire in the first season of “True Blood,” too. He’s INCREDIBLE on “Barry.” What a versatile actor.

my name will never inspire the sort of mystique that a Kady Ruth or an Isabella might enjoy”

Um... About 70% of little girls under the age of 10 are named Isabella or Bella. (And about 80% of all female dogs and cats, too.)

Wait, she got a puppy in 2021 and it’s already dead??? What did the puppy do, date a Muslim man or something???

She HAD a break. She took off half of last season to do another project.

I bought one yesterday. For my dog.

How is Kim “not worthy” of a dress made famous because someone wore it while openly flirting with the married man she’d been f*cking? (While high on drugs. In front of his wife.)

I love Marilyn but she was messy AF. Let’s stop acting like Kim desecrated the Shroud of Turin.

Obviously she has insight into Gene Kelly’s life that the rest of us don’t, but she hadn’t even been born yet when he made this particular movie.

There was no bullet. It was all Barry’s imagination. That’s why in both cases the person shot didn’t react to their wound, kept talking, and didn’t die. And then the wound disappeared.

Yeah it’s a real shame they don’t make cinematic masterpieces like “I Love Trouble,” “America’s Sweethearts,” and “Something to Talk About” anymore.

“Runaway Bride” is garbage, too. Fight me.

YES! They’re my favorite band and he’s an amazing frontman, especially live. 

Oof, now I feel dumb.

But I stand by my sentiment that Galaxy’s Edge is a huge letdown. 

Which part of the franchise is “shackled” to the theme park experience?Say what you want about HP and JKR (and there’s a LOT to say) but the Harry Potter areas at Universal Orlando are impressive as hell.

The rides are technical feats of achievement; the merchandise is overpriced of course, but it’s all pretty

More Gary Oldman anecdotes, plz and thank you

I’m the opposite; I love the live shows and am so glad they’re doing them again. The energy was really ‘off’ in the Zoom-recorded episodes during the pandemic (also I feel like June has checked out a LOT)

Bad Jim Varney lookin’ kinda nice

What I do doubt is that Cawthorn... is being invited to any parties, let alone those of a sexual variety.”

I don’t doubt it for a second. Creeps love creeps.

Everything about that production made me think it was supposed to be the opening number and got bumped for Beyonce. You don’t do the “change the lyrics of a popular song to ‘Let’s Celebrate the Oscars’” thing halfway through the show.

I couldn’t figure out why those three were even announced as presenters, but assumed it probably had to do with “King Richard,” since... you know, sports? But I was very wrong.