
The first half of “Titane” was my favorite movie I saw all year. The second half was the worst.

I know it’s not “prestige television,” but Fiona Dourif on “Chucky” is one of the best performances of the year.

He was literally nominated for the Best Director Oscar a decade AFTER the arrest and scandal that he was supposedly canceled for.

You know what’s weird? I actually find Pete and MGK attractive, and yet that photo does NOTHING for me. It’s the opposite of sexy.

Of all the roles this man has had over the course of his career, ‘ticket ripper at the local cineplex who sells mediocre bags of shake in the parking lot’ was probably his best work.”

How dare you slander Jordan Catalano that way.

McSalad Shakers! They were perfect :(

I think the girl with the broken leg was in the montage of the reporter talking to people in episode one (“It could have been me!”)

She had a wine glass in her hand and seemed a lil’ bitchy.

He’s truly, truly incredible in “The Pianist.” One of the most worthy Best Actor wins ever (if you can watch it for free somehow and avoid putting any coins into the director’s wallet)

She said she doesn’t know her - as in, they’ve never met. She didn’t say she “didn’t know who she is,” which is a completely different thing. You made headline way cattier than it needed to be.

I thought he did a really good job. 

My dad always inspected my candy, and it was amazing how all the best stuff “looked suspicious” and he had to take it....


You forgot the worst part about peppermints: Now all the other candy in the bag tastes minty, too :(

“Almost a decade?” She was in maybe three episodes.

I had a bag this weekend! They’re out there!

That’s not what “The Artist” was about, though...

And how do you not “get” the hate in the comments when your comment is the same?

No episode of “Behind the Music” will ever top the one about The Simpsons. 

Being worth “a few hundred thousand” actually is pretty rich by MY standard.

She totally should have risked snapping her neck so kids could see her win a giant coin on a ribbon.