
Yes, when I think “Academy Awards,” I think “Transformers.”

It would have to be on crystal-clear video, and it would have to be LITTLE kids.

He didn’t.

He is obviously already dead in that video. His friend who posted it genuinely seemed to think he was just passed out as usual. :(

I wonder how many times we’ll hear about some sort of Sexiest Man Alive rivalry between Blake & Adam Levine?

Their “bromance” is about as endearing as the Jimmy Kimmel/Matt Damon “feud.”

Oh, I’m sure of it. :(

That’s why I wanted her to slug the one who was...

I wanted Karina to slug whichever one kept talking about Peter “Blogdonovitch”

And Amy Adams.

I still have my suspicions of who that was, but I really hope I’m wrong.

She has 17 kids, though, and most kids don’t want unique, handmade costumes; they want what’s popular.

I’m more surprised that she’s buying shit made in China by child labor.

Yes, but she dated Brad before Ben, and it was that relationship that really made her famous. But Harvey got her that Oscar one way or another.

Come on, who was the actress???

I always thought it was a result of dating Brad Pitt. She was NO ONE before they hooked up, and she rode that pony to the cover “People” magazine as hard as she could.

I’ve never believed the Gwyneth rumors just because she was born with Hollywood connections. You don’t have to sleep with a producer for a role when your godfather is King Spielberg.

Harvey TOTALLY bought her that Oscar, though, sexual favors or not.

Ashley Judd used to do movies where she was sexy and naked; now she’s all about feminism. THAT’s why a certain segment of the population hates her. They liked jerking it to her picture; how dare she ruin that by talkin’ and stuff?

Polanski petition signatories in September 2009 included:

Looks like the other kid who made it into the top two wasn’t white.

Really? You’re asking for inflammatory anonymous internet comments now?

People are saying things about Louis CK, so it’s true. Same people who told me about the 3 million illegal voters and Obama’s birth certificate. I’m not saying it. People are saying it, though.

They’re already filming it with Cate Blanchett as Bernadette.