
In costume as a serial killer.

Penelope looks waaay too attractive. And human.

Thank you for the clarification. When you said he would “let it rip” I just envisioned him farting all over LA.

Definitely makes me wonder if this pressure to be thin again made her fall back on coke :-/

Except it happened in Mexico.

She’s too old to play a young college student.

Isn’t Squirrel Girl around 18 or 19? Brie is way too old.

“I try another tack”

Someone definitely used the “Men In Black” flashy-thing. Did you see when Katy was on “Ellen” and said something about “If I ever get married again,” and Ellen lost her mind? “When were you married? Who were you married to?”


OK I keep seeing this can some PLEASE explain the joke? I feel so left out :’(


Don’t just kill all the extremists; kill the ones you think MIGHT be extremists.

What’s the title? I’m looking on Amazon and all I see are two romance novels and a self-help book.

I always assumed those weren’t her legs. All the shots of legs moving in toe shoes are from the waist down; you only see her face and the shoes in the same shot once, and even then it’s for .0001 seconds and she’s hanging from her arms as support.

Da fuq DOES Debra Messing eat?

I got about 150 pages in; nothing happened.

I saw it last night! It’s GOOD!!!!

I would just like to say that I saw a sneak preview screening last night and LOVED it!

Yes, the 75-year history of feminist icon Wonder Woman, created by a feminist and star of thousands of feminist storylines, is doomed because the actress playing her in 2017 acknowledged that said feminist character is a feminist.

Does Cannes still have that rule that all women MUST wear heels? If so, Aymalene Valade is my new hero.