
Did... Did you read the article?

I’m not a big Fallon fan (and fuck him for that hair-ruffling thing), but this whole post reads like, “How DARE he act like he’s hosting ‘The Tonight Show’ and not ‘The McLaughlin Group’!”

Wasn’t Elle King on one of those wedding dress reality shows? How was her wedding a secret if she was shopping for it on tv? I’m so confused.

Meh. I hate Pence, but it that’s exactly the same way I would have apologized. It’s saying you’re sorry and also letting the person know it was an accident and you had no malicious intent.

I remember about 5-7 years ago when all the headlines were, “CAN YOU BELIEVE JOHNNY DEPP IS IN HIS FORTIES?” because he still looked amazing and so, so hot.

It’s been a rough couple of years.

I am a straight girl, and I made my then-boyfriend take me to see the terrible “300" sequel because I’m obsessed with Eva Green.

He didn’t complain.

I have found my people!!!

Billy Zane was never more beautiful than in this terrible movie with Cameron Diaz called “Head Above Water.” It’s so bad but he’s only in the first 20 minutes - I bet I watched it 50 times in high school.

I still think that sex scene was real.

Here’s why I saw it 8 times in the theater.

The mom has set up a GoFundMe account for the baby’s college fund now. #Merrica

I always laugh when I’m reminded that Miley’s real name in Destiny Hope. It’s like they WANTED her to become a stripper.

I have a photo with one in front of the Colosseum. I felt silly forking over so many Euros, but... Honestly, it’s kind of a cool photo. At least it’s not some guy in a tattered $5 Spiderman costume jumping into your photo without permission and then demanding money.

Well you obviously weren’t high when you watched it, because HOLY SHIT THOSE BUILDINGS WERE BENDY.

Perversion by Urban Decay is the best mascara I have EVER used.

I need further information regarding this GIF.

Joe Manganiello, you wouldn’t have ANY problems with the paparazzi if you had just married me like I’d planned.

Redmayne lost to DiCaprio. He won his Oscar earlier, for “Theory of Everything.”


You could suggest her for any role in any movie I’d say yes.