
How can you have that much money and such bad skin? If I had a fraction of his fortune I’d have my dermatologist on speed dial.

“And later, loving and protective mothers Kris and Tokyo Toni reconnect with each other for the first time in five years at King Cairo’s lavish 4th birthday celebration.”

Da fuq I just read?

It’s only bad when OTHER people do it.

There was also a Wayne’s World sketch where they said something disparaging about Chelsea - But I’ve never seen it, because apparently after it aired, the Clintons asked Lorne Michaels to make her off limits, and he did. The skit involved one of Wayne & Garth’s top ten lists, and every time it aired in syndication,

OMG SHE MUST BE RELATED TO MY FRIEND. She posts nonstop shit about “moochers” and how hard-working citizens have to pay for lazy people who game the system when I know damn well that not only did she use WIC for the kid she had in high school, but she also used food stamps to pay for the food at her wedding reception.


Yes, but one is considered more prestigious than the other. Dude.

I am so excited for the “Hamilton” mixtape. “Satisfied” is being covered by Ashanti and Ja Rule AND I AM NOT JOKING, PEOPLE!!!!

Lopez’s EGOT has an asterisk because his Emmy is a Daytime Emmy.


Well he “outed” Kilmer’s health problems, which until this point had been unconfirmed and/or denied for a reason. That’s pretty shitty in my book.

Ted Bundy was a handsome man, and he fucking murdered women.

“...the plethora of white talent...”


It’s also pretty terrible for a married man to solicit anyone for sex when he’s going to run as the Presidential nominee for the “family values” party. The fact that she’s a porn star and the Republican platform wants to label porn a Public Health Crisis just makes the hypocrisy that much thicker.

I don’t like “Perfect Illusion” but I’d walk down the aisle to it at my wedding if it meant I’d never have to hear “Closer” again. Everyone involved with the making of that song should be killed.

I’m getting a Madonna circa “Truth or Dare” vibe.

He’s the Charlie Manson of movie slashers.

There’s an after-credits/deleted (depends on the format you’re watching) scene in “Curse of Chucky” where Chucky gets himself mailed to a grownup Andy (still the same actor) and Andy just blows his fucking head off before Chucky even gets out of the box.

“Room” took place present-day; I don’t know what sort of historical research she was supposed to do..

Yet everywhere I look, I see Kim Kardashian getting called a called a whore and a bad mom for posting those nudes...