
How is that the Best Male Video? He isn’t in it. It’s a Rhianna video. He arranged it and did all the production, etc., but it’s a Rhianna video.

She was a carbon copy of Catherine Deneuve in “The Hunger,” down to the hairstyles. Even her “introduction scene” was a faithful homage.

We’ll probably have them even if he DOESN’T win.

I think it’s because EVERYONE with power in Hollywood is horrible. He’s just one of the few the general public knows about.

There were debit cards in 1985? I though they were a fairly new (2000s) invention.

She may not be a bigger star, but her career’s in better shape. Working steadily on small projects and as a voice actor is better than... whatever Lindsay’s doing.

I went to one of these shows last year. The show was supposed to start at 8. We didn’t see a single dude until nearly 10:30. I’m pretty sure this was intentional, because it meant the crazy drunk women in the audience had nothing to do for hours except drink.. And drink. And drink more. By the time the show finally

Peter MacNicol has given two of the greatest comedic performances in film history: Janosz in “Ghostbusters II” and Gary Granger in “Addams Family Values.” I will fight anyone who disagrees.

I Googled; she’s still known for tattoos and reality tv, not burlesque.

“Burlesque performer?” I’m pretty sure she’s best known for being a tattoo artist (and reality tv star). She gained fame for being an AMAZING tattoo artist... and I can’t believe I’m defending Kat Von D. It must be because of all the money I’ve sent her way via Sephora.

Who is that in that GIF? Did Ethan Hawke and Jonathan Schaech have a baby together and I never heard about it?

A Tiffany engagement ring given by a billionaire to a movie star is expecting to bring in $2-4K???

Which cameo didn’t you like?

I was listening to that Calvin-Rihanna song this morning and thinking how good that parts that aren’t the autotuned “You ooh ooh ooh hoooo you yoooooooou hoooo” are.

Do they still make physical albums? Like, that you buy at a store? Not being snarky; I’m trying to remember my last cd purchase.

Fuck. Now I want to read this book.

Exactly! “Oh, she’s fame hungry! She’s opportunistic! She was only with him for the money!” So... Does that mean she’s immune to domestic violence? Maybe they are BOTH horrible people; it doesn’t mean the accusations should be dismissed.

Tabloid rule of thumb: Find out who is in the news; say they are pregnant.

I can’t believe the Cincinnati Zoo gorilla isn’t on the cover of “InTouch” with the headline “Exclusive: Herambe was PREGNANT! With Twins!”

His name was Kevin Ferguson.

I actually DO remember some girls at my high school getting busted for having vodka in their water bottles at basketball practice. (Because what better time to drink straight liquor than when you’re running and sweating ? Ah, teenagers are stupid.)