
I’d watch a movie called “Things Killing Shia LaBoeuf.”

“framed a guilty man?” How does that work?

Same here. She made like eleventy billion dollars from “Friends,” so it’s not she NEEDED any of those paychecks. She was desperate to be a movie star and starred in a bunch of high-priced crap, and I’m still mad that her star on the Walk of Fame is for the “movies” category instead of “television.”

Yes, that’s why so many people complained, and probably why they changed it for the international trailer.

There was a LOT of grumbling about the “four scientists” part for that very reason.

In the international trailer, the reference to the original movie has also been changed from “Four scientists changed the world” to “Four friends saved the world.”

The frogurt is also cursed.

Paulson (hopefully) finally won her Emmy last night. Watching Marcia strut into the courthouse all confident and feeling pretty, then slowly crumbling as everyone mocks her, was HEARTBREAKING.

Who is that making out at 1:15? And Ghost totally just lying next to John Snow in that final shot, right? Right? (I don’t care if Snow is alive or not; I just don’t want to lose anymore Direwolfs!!!)

Came here to say the exact same thing. Allen actually worded the sentence correctly; there’s no need to add brackets to “sic” him.

Except he DID win the Oscar posthumously. Best Supporting Actor at the 81st Academy Awards. He was only the second performer to ever win posthumously.

Man, eff your MIL’s pastor, unless he wants his church to start paying taxes...

Did she skip the red carpet? Din’t see her at all before the show.

God, I loved her in “Juno.” I loved how we start out thinking she’s too anal and overbearing but her husband is so cool... And by the end her husband is revealed to be a massive tool and she’s the best person in the whole movie.

Jesus said a lot of good stuff about how to live your life and treat others. One can use his teachings as a model without believing in the “son of God, died for your sins, resurrection-personal savior” part.

Ooooh, can you share any dirt???

Here in Atlanta we have had some drama with the Bert Show. A few months ago, one of the cast members, Jeff, who had been with the show since its very beginning 15 years ago, left to work at the competing station, Star94. So Bert bought ALL of the possible URLs that Jeff could possibly use for his new show: jeffstar94,

That that lingering establishment shot of the Sprouts sign killed me.

He’s nominated for the song “Earned It,” which was written for “Fifty Shades of Gray.”

There are two music categories: Best song written for a movie and the best musical score.