
I was under the impression this was not sci-fi….

Yes, what a hilarious story. He needs new "friends" if that's the case.

Does Dik have no eyes or something?

I've only seen the short that inspired Lights Out, but that was mighty creepy.

I thought he was doing Terminator? I keep vainly hoping that a new movie will FINALLY get the original released with the mono track.

Sandberg rather impressed me with Lights Out. Iwas curious what he'd do next, and this sounds surprisingly good.

Just let me use the same one for everything! I can barely remember that one!

It's just very 90s, period, but that soundtrack in particular has not dated well.

Because of the violence, these games were the work of evil and forbidden by my parents as a kid. Fortunately, I suck at fighting games, so I was never terribly interested.

Face/Off is that rare action movie that's aged well. It embraces the absurdities of its premise, and even the set pieces still have a kick 20 years on. Boogie Nights is a powerful piece of filmmaking, but I'm not entirely sure I ever want to see it a second time. Jackie Brown is still Tarantino's best film, and has

Have you ever seen a Bergman flick?

That's not how I want to solve mine though :-(.

Great. Sooooo the origin-ah, fuck it. It's a fool's hope at this point.

Yeah, this'll solve my crisis of faith.

I think it started the renaissance. Virtually everything since has been terrific.

Damn, that's some sad news.

Gee. What a surprise.

Time Out of Mind is one of my all-time favorite albums. It's a damned masterpiece.

It was the year it died for me.

It's more than I've ever done, take heart.