
TOD is an unpleasant film in some respects, but in others, I think it's aged better than Spielberg is giving it credit for. It has some of his most deliciously sadistic action, tense (rope bridge) and iconic set pieces and some really rich cinematography. It's better than I credited for being for a good many years.

Of what?


The cats watched videos?

I'd ask if you're making that up, but you can't.

I was just pissed when I turned 30 and didn't receive my wizard powers.

I had it off, but only because I got a sick note from the doctor. My mind is still a scrambled mess of OCD and depression, and my nose is stuffed up six different ways. And now I'm back at work. Oh boy.

The movie. Obviously, I don't want to stay sick.

I saw that on a double bill with Fellini once. My head still hurts.

Yo, Adrian, you were right!

Because I'm a purist who'd like to have the original soundtrack as opposed to a remix. There's no reason whatsoever besides Cameron's Lucas-y revisionism not to put it on the disc. There's more than enough space and it easy. Don't even get me started on the color-timing.

I was going to see the 70mm at my local theater and then I got sick. I'm hoping it'll stick around an extra week.

I'm off work with a sick note. I got a not so nice, classic cold and was even throwing up for a while, sore throat, the whole deal. I'm still not 100% better, but either way, it's back to work tomorrow. I'm in very hot water at work, apparently I'm not scanning items fast enough. I'm scared to death for my job.

Just fucking release the first Terminator film with the mono, is that too much to ask?

That's what my therapist keep telling me.

Hope you don't have Comcast. If you do, you won't be logging into the STARZ app to watch it even if you're a paying customer. God, it pisses me off.

I wonder sometimes; I already feel like my plasma may be out of date…

True, although those are short stories as opposed to novels.

This was also the only Fleming story which hadn't been adapted at his point, right?

Rest In Peace. Goddamn, was that sad.