
Thanks, but I think I'll sleep as much as I can and wallow in depression and period bursts of OCD. I'd rather not, but it isn't up to me.

"Don't open the caviar."

Let's hope this really breaks down the barriers everyone is saying it will.


How charming, Disney.

That, I've always assumed, is primarily a time and budget limitation.

Really? That one I think is exhilarating.

I just don't think Nolan is much of a visual stylist at all. His films almost entirely rely on their knotty scripts.

Yeah, unfortunately, it led to wave of horrifically bad imitations which understood none of that.

Then newest Bourne film couldn't help but be a disappointment, especially hearing Damon and Greengrass talk about. 24: Live Another Day Did a better job of playing topical ideas, albeit in a way which wasn't at all intelligent. Drone attacks (Actually, Bourne Legacy played with this a little bit) or cyber warfare are

Ahem. The Martian.

I think I can live the rest of my life without knowing the answer to this. Happily.

They were also in the Hobbit movie that I defend all the time.

Hi dad. You said you'd stop embossing me.

Bring back Bryan Singer.

It is a pretty good cast.

Yeah, they're for kids, not for us, and you know what, that's OK. I'm not on social media and don't have kids, I'm sure they'd annoy me to no end if was and did, but really, in small doses, I think they're actually pretty funny.

Yeah, I'm not on social media or anything and I don't have kids, so I only have to watch them when I want to. Personally, what can I say, they make me laugh. Their slapstick with mild surrealism is funny to me. It's not Pixar, and it won't be in film classes in the coming years, but I find them entertaining and often

Yeah, I mean, they're for kids, not for you is how I've always looked at it.

Can't he use that money to remaster the originals?