
It's disturbing that people can't look past that and just enjoy a film. One of my male friends was all "I heard Fury Road is secretly a feminist tract!" I was like "Um, you can read it that way, but you could just watch a kickass action movie if you want."

And the other two directed the films?

The Rock-a-who?

You have my attention.

Stop stealing my ideas, you plagiarist!

My guess would be nowhere. Shame. Post-Peter Jackson, there's so much potential.

Yeah, she was quite the indie queen for a while.

This time with more Twitter!

Thanks, Mr. President.

Have David Simon write it so the naked people can complain about the government.

Damn it.

Thanks for sharing….

Who knew there were that many SK sequels?

Just feel like it?

Did something happen to free speech when I wasn't paying attention?!

That rare action hero who uses brains as well as brawn. I didn't realize how troubled the production was, the final product came out surprisingly smoothly.

Long live 70mm!!

The 1974 version will be very hard to top, but I'm looking forward to Branagh's lavish period detail, if nothing else.

I still don't understand why the goddamn president of the United States doesn't have better things to do than play with Twitter.

It was moderately entertaining once. Now it's a moldy old waste of time.