
Power corrupts. Who has more power than Superman?

Its mind-boggling stupid. What the fuck is wrong with her?!

The idea of an X-Men body-horror film is actually quite a good one. Now whether or not it will be executed well or not is another matter.

I'm not huge on the flashbacks as-is.

You're serious?

Alexandra Daddario's eyes almost look backlit.

My depression and OCD have different ideas.

They aren't much good, in the vernacular?

Because no one paid to see it?

It was an amusing joke once. Once.

And it's then most expensive movie ever made. Where did the money even go?


I'm it's staunch defender. Apparently it's sole one.

The third was a partial return to form.

What's wrong Narnia? Those were good!

My attempts to catch have up with this in time for next season are feeling futile. I'm barely halfway through S2.

I still can't get very far in the first game. And believe me, I have tried.

There can be only one!!

This is such a tragedy I can't even find fucking words for it.

Yeah, but he doesn't have the physical power to do it.