Almost miraculous.
Almost miraculous.
That's actually pretty amazing.
Hulu have a bad habit of fucking up aspect ratios.
It had s few pockets of inspiration, but after the last movie, my God, what a comedown.
Whatever. Just make sure you bring back Bryan Singer.
Damn, I'd never heard of this book.
Yeah, I was thinking the same. I'm intrigued.
Good point.
Weird do think this is where JJ Abrams got his start.
This comments section isn't helping my crisis or faith.
Do you mean because not enough people were watching it? Isn't that why shows usually get canceled?
Willing to not know what?
I think this misses the point….
Much as I dislike Trump, the existence of this film could give my father a heart attack, and ghastly as his politics are, I love him and want him Alive.
Every day it gets more insane…
I give Civil War credit for being a little different in that regard.
Especially given how well the Flash is being done on TV at the moment.
All I heard was "not Zach Snyder."
I told a friend of mine that Since I'm going to be a 30 year-old virgin, I should get wizard powers. She replied that if I can control dragons, I'll have no problem getting laid.