
Yeah, unless there’s hate speech in it.

Flag fake Dr, don’t respond.

My wife or my child wouldn’t be here today. She got preeclampsia, and couldn’t deliver vaginally. His heart rate dropped dangerously every time she got moved on her bed.
Fuck Ted Cruz.

Of course it’s stupid, there have been a ton of terrible world building choices since the original trilogy.
At the end, Jyn gets a small group of people together for the heist because most of the Rebels are too chicken shit to keep fighting.  Then when the Rebels intercept messages about the ongoing heist and fighting,

Yeah, the mechanics of the chase were really weird. Suddenly fuel is a giant thing? Somehow the Imperials can’t see the transports? You can completely annihilate a giant ship by hyperjumping a large object into it, and in a world with droids this isn’t a massive strategy?
It was more the characters and some of the

That HAD been established, but they disestablished it in both tRoS and Rogue One.  It’s actually one of the key plot points of Rogue One that it takes no time anymore.

I disagree. I think the first two films were well written, except for some small details they succeeded in doing what they wanted to do. TFA does a great job of introducing new characters while giving you the Star Wars feel, and throwing back to ANH. TLJ does a great job of subverting some of the tropes and

Bartell Drugs gets shortened to Bartells. And it’s weird if you just say “Bartell”.

“nobody hates a bad cop more than a good cop.”

And this is why, given how many cops are speaking up about this shit, we say ACAB

Anyone else see this?

There isn’t a systemic and historic pattern of “liberal” terrorism.

Holmes continually expresses a sense of compassion towards those who not only are victims but perpetrators of crimes. His sense of justice and compassion to those he actually interacts with are a throughpoint of the short stories.

Which has a shockingly low toxicity threshold.

Ramona Q doesn’t like that theory.

Sorry, he said he didn’t think Bolt was even a LEGEND because sailors last longer.

I’m a stan, but part of me hopes he gets very ill to make people realize that you can be healthy and still get fucked up by that Rona.
But that wouldn’t make white people reconsider, cause he’s just an “uppity black man” (remember when the head of the IOC said he didn’t think Bolt was the greatest olympian because some

The ex-KGB is the best MC in the ex-CCCP!!!!

Anything you ingest too much of becomes poisonous.

Always remember epic Wailord Caterknees destroying Leon.