
Am I the only one that was disappointed that upstairs neighbor didn't make a play for Gunnar? It seemed like that was the direction everything was heading…
"Your girlfriends asleep. Let's 'make some music' together."
"No man I'm worried about death."
"Alright well let's go out. Come on!."
"I don't want to go chasing

It may have just been because I saw Jesse Plemons and came a bit but were we all aware that Jesse is dating EPYCK??? Any Friday Night Lights lovers here?

It may have just been because I saw Jesse Plemons and came a bit but were we all aware that Jesse is dating EPYCK??? Any Friday Night Lights lovers here?

I do have to say I'm surprised that Todd didn't point out Gay Jesus' unnecessary meanness and myopia when he went to visit the God Squad, then went on a rant about how Quinn didn't understand the pains of being gay, teen pregnancy or no.  Did Gay Jesus forget that at the end of the first season, homegirl was disowned

With "I Believe I Can Fly" as her backing track nonetheless. Like I said before, when this show is on it's on! LOL.  Oh, Nicki Minaj…

Too be fair to myself I never told him to stay in the closet or anything that vitriolic.  I just said "Maybe you should hit the gym and by some proactiv before you go out." Which is just as evil.  I could punch myself in the dick for being so mean to that kid…

Don't bite my head off Todd, but American Horror Story ending aside I quite liked this episode.  I will agree that while the second half was reductive to the point of insulting with a beginning like that I realized why I won't give up on this show.  When it's on it's fucking on.  I don't think any other teen drama has

It is something a man says when said man has had threesomes.

Dude totally agree with both grades.  This episode had some of the most impeccable writing of the season.  It's funny, when one reads a Todd Van Der Wuff review he always mentions the things he dislikes and what he would like to see in the coming weeks, when the show seemingly intuits his criticism he praises the

After seeing this episode I'm pretty convinced the writers of the screenplay for "Maggie" the black list script about a young woman in a cabin with her family slowly succumbing to a zombie bite is ripped from this episode.  I SEE FOUL PLAY AT WORK IN HOLLYWOOD! :-P

But let's just be honest…The Soprano's WASN'T the most male friendly show in the world…and you see how many dead men were there…sometimes you gotta let facts speak for themselves Rowan.


True…maybe I should edit it to "Seth went from [friendly neighborhood] "power dealer" to abortionist"…

I'd really like to see a show about supernatural abortionists now that I think about it.

Was no one else concerned that in this episode Seth went from lowly "power dealer" to abortionist for Curtis? Weird…


I just want to point everyone to the beautiful piece Hilton Als of the New Yorker wrote about Pharoah a while back.  I don't think that it's so much that he isn't a good performer but more that SNL doesn't know what to do with performers of color.  I don't want this to spiral into some weird race conversation