
Is it 2013 again? the hell?

Your move Falcons

Im the new secretary of getting pussy, /crying mj

Did he leave a 15 month old Tolberone in his locker?

Yeah going to game 7 in WS is choking

Matt Kemp will not see the field.

No excuses move to Alabama now!!!

give it a couple hours, fox and friends isnt out yet

Can we re-ban TD celebrations, these are beyond corny. Or at least bring T.O and 85 back

Oh yeah, i’m sure he got chewed out for taking out another player at the cost of 5 yds

Jokes on you I only get gas at sketchy places with the register behind plexiglass

He’s getting 5 minutes in the box for sure.

whats my cause cracker?

You can tell that member definitely did serve

what a dumb bitch

The should add oil spills and water puddles. Gas tanks that give you a speed boost and harpoon like RC Pro AM

Im more offended he apologized than what he said. He should stand by his idiocy

Piss in the shower, shit in the can

Games 2 and 5. dodgers gave away. But thats why you play the game

how is ju on this list?