What Foley doesn’t understand is SoCal Raiders fans will go to Vegas for Raiders games, I can Guarantee no one from LA will go to Vegas for a Golden Knights game when we have the Kings at Staples.
What Foley doesn’t understand is SoCal Raiders fans will go to Vegas for Raiders games, I can Guarantee no one from LA will go to Vegas for a Golden Knights game when we have the Kings at Staples.
I don’t get it, the premise of the article, why mike pence thinks what he thinks, or why this was even written.
I do want that, shit we have the technology, we can make them better, stronger, faster.
There’s other jobs for unskilled workers out there.
Same can be said about Peter North’s dick
Christiano and dolph lundgren love child
This is still pretty gay.
The alleged assaults happened during the 2015-16 and 2016-17 school years, mostly in the football program, but also in basketball and baseball, according to the San Antonio Express-News.
The air’s mothers cunt is right. Fuck air
I know this is supposed to make us hate the team/league, but these articles make me hate the city council members that put their constituents through this.
Its not like the Jags are squandering talent with a bad coach, theres not point in changing coaches they still suck.
They are in Cleveland
Lincoln truthers in 1...2...3..
He should have known, he probably didn’t even serve in Nam.
This is ‘Merica! It is our God given right to get shit faced in dangerous situations.
And the media tried to kill the guy because he did want to talk to them. Lynch is a genuine nice guy by all accounts.
He’s a god damn lie man! OPM is way old unless he likes watching reruns I think he already seen it.
Build fully automatic machines without safeties brehs
I’m glad this found it’s way onto deadspin....
“grabbing her by the pussy” is in line with nascar, rubbin’ is racin’.