Hank Chill

Get rid of the nipple in the middle of the keyboard and we’ll talk.

Makes me glad I got the game for free when I got my GTX 980.

Killer is Dead: Nightmare Edition.

Voting for the Arm & Hammer natural series too. I’m allergic to everything else. Imagine taking a cheese grater and rubbing it in your armpits. That’s what every other deodorant does to my skin.

Voting for the Arm & Hammer natural series too. I’m allergic to everything else. Imagine taking a cheese grater and

Why, Capcom? I’ve played the “legacy” Mega Man games to death already, and want something new already! Slapping your old games in a bundle in my opinion is not Capcom recognizing Mega Man still exists, it’s just to appease people.

I got to try on my Android Wear watch too.

*exactly* what I was thinking when I saw this.

Ban Minecraft for being to violent?

Yeah, my response was a little passive aggressive. Who am I to judge what someone else feels is an accomplishment. Just because I don't think it's an accomplishment and is infact a big waste of time, doesn't mean that the player who achieved it doesn't think it is an accomplishment. It's all a matter of perspective.

I wish I lived in my parents basement and had no life.

Your article is perfect. Right to the T.

They're missing a really important tag; "Cash Cow".

It's Kickstarters like this that give Kickstarter a bad name. Steer clear of this one folks, you're throwing money away for a useless cause to a real nutjob.

Giygas has returned...

You mean the Human CentiPad!