
People expected it to be there because they stated that it would be there.

I stopped giving a fuck about Kingdom Hearts some 10 years ago... in fact, the rise of better written Western games during the PS3 era pretty much killed my interest in many well known Japanese game franchises, very few Japanese games interest me now (Nioh, MGSV, Persona 5).

Ok, so, developers and producers, take note. This is how you maintain a game.

I always liked NMS, I never bought into the hype, and it was what it was. Played it with my wife, too. I take breaks in between, but with this update, I will be jumping headlong into it with her again. We love co-op games.

As a Halo fan, this arcade game looks alright. It’s nice to see things touched on by Halo: The Flood seemingly getting some screentime, so I’ll take it. But I think if 343 or MS thought this would placate the community, it has not.

Xbox One cloud saves are available to non-gold members as seen Here. It’s only PSN that puts cloud saves behind the paywall

It’s almost funny how much personal worth Sony fanboys place on this sort of thing. They can’t just enjoy a good game, or avoid a bad one. No, it is vital everyone know that their choice of console is WTFBBQAwesome, as if Sony is going to reward them for their loyalty.

Don’t worry they’re not, PlayStation controllers still suck.

LOL Street Fighter V with a higher score than Killer Instinct

And every one of those Microsoft games can be played on a PC. Fuck Sony. I don’t want to take my PS4 out of the mothballs to play some overrated 1st party game 20 years from now.

Does anyone know if they make Tom Ley’s coat in a mens?

“1.) It may well not be her cleavage that makes her successful.”

It’s also a shooter where, frankly, you don’t need to be very good at actually killing in order to do well.

Some people like the squad/duo teamwork aspect of the game. If you can consistently get into the top 10, the tension and drama created from the last few circles can’t be matched by any other game.

I was more pointing out his ‘can’t wait to wait to play it.’ comment, but you be you.

Oh noooo. Will you be ok waiting for 30 minutes while your patch downloads? I will bring you a weighted blanket to make you feel more safe and secure.

I’m fairly certain most people are with me in asking, “Who the hell is that?”

except none of these games are “shovelware”, you clearly miss the point of what shovelware is, these are indie games, they’re not going to be of “AAA Quality”
they’re fun, that’s what matters, Shovelware is quickly and cheaply made to make a quick buck, these games at least look like effort was put into them
Party Hard

Do you think ANYONE gave EA a free pass when it came to Battlefront II? Come on. There’s just nothing to talk about right now because the only thing we know is that they’re re-adding microtransactions to the game, which is what we’ve known since November. Given that those decisions are still being made, all we can

I know it’s fun to get REALLY ANGRY about video games every week, but there’s nothing to talk about until we actually know what the new system looks like, whether it still feels pay-to-win, and how unfair it feels.