Marry Simmons, fuck Stephen A., kill Rovell
Marry Simmons, fuck Stephen A., kill Rovell
Rovell would defend “Godfather 3" based on the number of production staff it employed.
Take a fucking star even if you work here.
The Kevin Everett news blooper...was right here (taps your chest)... the entire time
We debated this one for a while trying to parse out Scherzer’s exact string of words, though some of them are pretty obvious. I think we’ve settled on “fucking bastard motherfucking bitch motherfucker” and now I can’t see it any other way.
According to Berhe, Wright paid the $632.08 fare and a $300 tip. Maybe just rent a car next time?
I’m so glad they keep working on the game, despite people being rude and downright abusive with their comments. I can understand not liking the game and wanting to see some changes, but there are so many people just using this as a chance to go and straight up attack Bioware.
So what’s the strategy then?
Dead by daylight has been active and popular for over a year so the concept clearly works. What I want to know is if the reviewer has any experience with that game, or if this first type of game she played and disliked the experience. Didn’t play dead by daylight, but it doesn’t sound like randoms who don’t work…
How? What’s the strategy?
Takes lots of time =/= People want to hear you complain how hard your life is.
I literally loathe psnow. It’s loner of a few things I dislike. Reason I’m trying to get a neww ps3 and download my library before they discontinue the service for that console this year.
Very excited to see how this turns out. Hopefully it sets a standard that other companies will emulate. I’d gladly pay 10$ a month for a classic Nintendo games library. Hopefully it at least gets PlayStation Now to change its business model.
The Cardinals lost their 20th game.
“As always, these games are only “free” if you have an active Xbox Live Gold subscription.”
As always, Xbox 360 games are yours forever, even if gold lapses. Maybe you might wanna update the template you use to make these posts so that someone doesn’t need to correct you literally every time.
Yup. This really does just look like Destiny 1.5. I wasn’t expecting too much of a change, but everything just looks like expansion stuff. Nothing at all seems to have really changed in terms of the interface at all.
Kind of agree. The looks like what the first or second expansion should have been.
Destiny 1.5*