
How about you let the developers make the game they want to make and not try to shoehorn something into their vision? Then we can let the market forces dictate the success of the product. K?

They definitely should be given the benefit of the doubt. They have a long history of creating interesting female characters. And just because the party is all male doesn't mean there won't be strong female NPCs.

2 whole months!! Oh no!!

Patrick, you do great work at this site. You've been here, what a month? Already shot to the top my preferred writer at Kotaku.

Get 'em, PR/Social Media Marketing Manager guy!

The Destiny time exclusivity was a fucking year. And they cut out 2 out of a total of 8 strikes in a game sorely lacking content. That is fucking BullShit.

While I agree that the overall concept of timed exclusives are dumb, I get them from a business point of view. The publishers get some free advertising (On the Xbox marketplace) for their new DLC, and Microsoft gets to be the "premiere" console to play Dragon Age. Will someone who only owns a PS4 go out and buy an

The Phantom Dust footage would've been a lot better had Jason not interjected his very obvious bias into his reporting. It's so annoying to read articles (reports) that have the authors speculation and opinions sprinkled it. Makes for a confusing read.

end of Halo 6

how does the series end, foreseer of the future?

You seem to be letting your bias affect your reporting, for shame

no it's just worded funny (not sure if it's intentional or not). Microsoft still plans on releasing the reboot, albeit with a new dev. They apparently didn't like what they saw from this dev.

I'm sure it will be if microsoft is going through the trouble of hiring a new dev

your tweet, bro?

I feel like some of these cut scenes ARE in Halo 3. Or maybe they're just slightly altered

I think eventually you'll need to upgrade to Windows 10? I'm pretty sure windows 10 is required for the cross play tho

Hello, Evan. Any word on when this game releases? Specifically on the Xbox One?

Well I know why they do it, I just feel as if it makes them seem like less of an actual news reporting site, and more of a cheap tabloid blog site (which it more or less is).

Yet another Xbox game? Is there something I'm forgetting in recent memory for this click bait of a headline?

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