Unacceptably Dry Scones

The Camry with the 300hp V6. Subjectively, it’s just too much. Just seems... wrong.

I hate it most.

The intake ahead of the rear wheel is sort of interesting, but other than that it’s a bit of a yawn. Enough with the angles, Lamborghini, go back to curves.

Mercedes-Benz E 63 S Wagon

“I’m gonna put a turbo on it”

I typed out that that car was just meh looking overall, but then I looked again and realized it’s the color. I was going to say Racing Yellow, but yeah, the red is better.

Even if they are stock, I hate the wheels. They ruin the entire car for me. And the black paint is boring, too.

Lillywhite denied driving the vehicle, but no one was seen exiting his vehicle or fleeing the scene.

I think lowriders are my favorite car culture.

I once got a $0.27 check from a class action lawsuit. The stamp to mail the check cost more.

More than you can afford, pal.

Ah wow, how’d ya get a car?
Oh, my folks drove it up here from the Bahamas
You’re kidding

BMW wagons!

You’re discounting that you have to take the hydrogen, compress it, store it in a tank at high pressure, transfer it to the tank in the car, then convert it back into electricity in the fuel cell. All of these steps require electricity, and then you have your 60% efficiency on top of that. Batteries are 85-90%

The “Calvin Peeing” sticker.

I’m interested in electric cars and I like Teslas for their battery tech, but the Autopilot or FSD or whatever does not appeal to me in the slightest. Maybe make a Tesla without that shit for cheaper?

That Ferrari Studio Cr 25looks amazing. Sorry not sorry.

Hydrogen always seemed like a weird choice to power a car. By the time you compress the hydrogen, move it to “gas” stations, store it, transfer it to a high-pressure tank in a car, then convert back to electricity to power the cars motors, you might have just as well used a battery. I think the efficiency is like