NP for me.
NP for me.
The guy who drove around with his high beams only for 3 weeks because he couldn’t replace a low beam headlight is very quick to condescend to “unskilled workers”.
Hey, it’s the same truck that was obliterated in that infamous youtube crash video.
Gotta respect the landlords driveway!
I said the same thing when computer design software switched to a subscription model. I was gonna hold out with Autocad 2013 forever, but here I am with my stupid Autocad 2021 license. It’s embarrassing to have to email clients and ask them to downsave files to an 8 year old previous version so I can open them.
I’m a CIS hetero man, and I’ve been aggressively propositioned for sex stuff (by men, of course) exactly 2 times, 10 years apart. And both times were horrible. I can’t even imagine what it would be like to be a woman and get that on the regular. Or to try to go on a dating site to meet someone and get a bunch of dick…
First they came for the dirt bikes, and I did not speak out— because I was not a flatbiller.
It’s an F-body. No lens tricks here!
I’m going with any supercar. I mean, they are uncomfortable, hard to get in and out of, and you don’t even get the fun of driving.
I was the witness to a viscous dog-on-dog fight the other morning. The last thing on my mind was pulling out my phone to record it. I’m both impressed and appalled that people have the mind to do that.
Something is going on here, something important.
I have a vintage 15" Nardi wood steering wheel in my Mercedes. It looks incredible, but it’s... not great to use. The aluminum spokes are polished and when the sunlight hits them, they blind me. And it’s not very comfortable to hold on to. But it’s a diesel W123, so it’s not like I’m doing any spirited driving in it.
What an incredible story. The truck is pretty cool too.
I’d suggest something like a “Luck” modifier.
I took my old, somewhat janky Thunderbird SC on a first date, and afterwards it wouldn’t start. I gave my date the option of either pushing or popping the clutch. She was extremely not amused, but opted to push. This was back in 2001, so long before Uber which I’m 99% sure she would have taken.
Crazy idea: All the EV manufacturers pool their engineering and tech resources and design a super efficient, compact BEV skateboard. Then they all use it, but design their own bodies and interiors around it.
Um, according to Jalopnik, the perfect truck is a 1996 Ford Ranger with the 4 cylinder, stick shift, single cab and zero options. Or something.
Craigslist Beaters!