Unacceptably Dry Scones

I think I would just go for a 540i instead. You could get a better cared for, easier to maintain car for the same money, with like 75% of the performance. Plus, you can get a wagon!

I was going to say Eonon makes BMW model-specific recievers that have android and apple carplay and are custom fit. I’ve been looking at one for my e46.

When my 5 year old daughter is in the car, I get nervous even when I pump gas or fill my tires. I can’t imagine GOING IN A STORE. Good Lord.

I had a thief break into my 2000 Nissan Frontier in 2006 or so. They ignored all of my tools, probably $600 worth, behind the seats and stole my change and a book of burned CDs. He broke a window and managed to cut himself. Amazingly, the local PD sent out the forensics team and they did a blood sample.

Yes, I am a heroine addict and just happen to have a spare syringe laying around.

But part of the appeal of PB is the spray can. How do you get the acetone or ATF on a hard-to-reach part?

I think it’d look sweet bagged, with some 20" white steel wheels.

Like in every pickup truck review where someone always says “Where are the tiny, manual, bare-bones trucks?” that would sell in the 100s of units.

When I was a kid, there was a 1969 Mustang at my local car shows. It was a custom order from the factory: Medium blue exterior with a red interior. It was special, but man, was it hideous.

My father, brother and I were driving to a car show in my brother’s Fox Mustang. We all look very similar. My brother was driving, doing probably 25 over. A cop going the opposite direction puts his lights on and starts his U-turn. Meanwhile, my father says, “Pull into that gas station and get out of the car.” So we

It looks like he forgot to peel that blue protective film off his trim, like when you buy a stainless steel dishwasher.

The range extender in the BMW i3 is a fucking 34hp Kymco 647cc scooter engine of all things, so this is actually much cooler.

Can 2021 be the year we stop with this question on nearly every NPoND? A guy can hope.

As a BMW e46 owner, I’ve replaced my pressurized, plastic coolant expansion tank 2 times. I can see the allure of a swap to a non-pressurized expansion tank.

Are those legit Advan wheels? In 15"?

But you have time to comment, got it.

My favorite insurance story:

I fought a school zone speeding ticket and won.

While it’s not the most interesting use of an old building, it is amazing that they are doing it at all. Good on them!

and those seem more likely for a carbureted engine from 1990.