Didn’t try at all. You were just as negative as me. But I understand why...you’re the second class citizen, not me. So being pissy and negative about MRA is part of the job description as a fag. Enjoy your vacation.
Didn’t try at all. You were just as negative as me. But I understand why...you’re the second class citizen, not me. So being pissy and negative about MRA is part of the job description as a fag. Enjoy your vacation.
Lol. All of this over a 5 minute demo that was nothing more than to show what the experience will be like. But yeah, pandering to all of you by including that line was so helpful. It definitely would have left everyone up in arms had they NOT said that!
I agree. Being a billion dollar industry that has obviously proven they know what they are doing, I’m glad the author wrote that one line. Hopefully it will catch the attention of the big porn companies to give them the idea to change it up for VR! The VR porn industry has been saved by him! Yay!
Good. And thanks for the smartass “I’m sorry” comment about me as a child. I’m glad I don’t like feminists, and that they don’t like me. All good. Men asking for more rights is ridiculous and stupid, but whatever.
I am an ally of real feminists. The old school ones who fight for equality. Not the ones who think all men can be rapists and need to be “taught” to not rape. Those are the ones that immediately throw out the MRA stuff when there is a dissenting opinion.
Calling us MRA’s is fucking adorable.
Maybe if you PC people just shut the fuck up for a bit, we wouldn’t get “triggered” when people keep bringing pointless PC stuff up in articles. Fuck off.
IT’S A FUCKING DEMO. ONE SHORT DEMO. Everyone knows it’s going to come in 24350 different genres, like all porn. To throw it in there in their liberal PC way wasn’t needed. Pornhub didn’t need to be nudged by Gawker as a reminder for that.
Sup, white knight?
Ugh. You’re just an insufferable person. White knights fucking suck.
Shut the fuck up, liberal piece of shit.
Why won’t they?
Oh, since it’s an unpopular opinion it’s “good kinja”?
I hate you.
I....LOVE your user name. Bless you.
Eh. That’s a two minute minor for roughing. What’s the big deal? He served his two minutes and the game continued...
He got to do the one thing he probably never thought he would get to: do the fly-by after the goal. Good for him.