
I'd rather be raped any day than eaten alive.

You're spot on Prince Humper- isn't that GREAT- it's when you fuck with all that external shit- one finds what really matters in Life and it's the Inside that stands true. The Freak is the unexpected- the exciting element of Life- get ur freak on bro.

Certain women use feminist rhetoric to mask their insecurities & jealousy

I understand where you're coming from with Bill 'O etc. Judge Judy on the other hand is something different- cantankerous- yes, Republican party- hardly. She's a strong supporter of animal rights, children's welfare and has also married gay couples. Her appeal is based more on a common sense moral code. https://www.y

Was this the first episode you've ever seen???

*sigh* Perhaps, when one witnesses the atrocities of war including starvation,torture, mutilation (including genital- Theo and Dany's army) and gruesome murders- Being raped and surviving is a kin to being beaten up.

Where in the hell is the rape-fear-frenzy coming from? My god- GOT is set in an AMORAL fictional fantasy land where crimes of humanity are numerous- rape is one of them, and by far is not the worst. Is your vision so limited? Have you read any mythology? Are you THAT solipsistic and fragile? If so- instead of watching

How else should I approach a fictional program I willingly watch? I also enjoy reading Norse, Egyptians and especially the great Greco-Roman mythologies. There are many classic poems- and and a number of great pieces of classic literature that address rape and many other unsavory and brutal aspects found in human

This fixation on rape is absurd. Oh the outrage- Cersei is raped by her one handed brother over the corpse of their poisoned son. Meanwhile- a young boy witnesses an arrow go through the back of his father's head as they discuss potato soup. The poor lad is forced to see his mother butchered and is informed she will

you can't understand my last sentence?.. tell your parents they're wasting their $ on your "education".

your screen name is prefect for you- the "god" of deceit, jealousy & "Loki Looks Like a Lady"… the shade of it all…. :)

you spoke too soon- get a load of that garbage spewed at me above… LOL

I blame Oprah- She has lead people to believe that their emotions- hurt feelings- are more valid than reality. This small contingent of maladjusted individuals (they do not represent the entire trans community) seek to censure- not any true insult- but a PERCEIVED slur. It's irrational.

speaking of privilege- Do you ever speak from personal experience or just parrot that tired ass French Theory jargon they teach you in college? All that mental masturbation— yawn. Speaking of masturbation- your profile pic is hot… in that standard faggoty way;)

Now Sissy that Walk!

If you're offended by Drag Race- transition the channel and watch Little House on The Prairie or Leave it To Beaver. Who would of thought it was the T of the LGB that censured RuPaul- not the right wing conservatives? "You got she- mail!"! Word play people. Sh/e-mail. Understand? The entire show is transgressive-

If you're offended by Drag Race- transition the channel and watch Little House on The Prairie or Leave it To Beaver. Who would of thought it was the T of the LGB that censured RuPaul- not the right wing conservatives? "You got she- mail!"! Word play people. Sh/e-mail. Understand? The entire show is transgressive-

The tightest Snatch…. game in Herstory! You could see Ru's glee as he set his girl's up for a good time. Games are meant to be fun. Adore, Bianca, & Ben were the life of the party (Joselyn is right up there). This episode had everything that makes Drag Race good fucking television.

When Tom looks at Nick he must see the young douche bag (with hair) he used to be.

thank you for sharing that