...rather than a dull-eyed steakhead who throws 10-yard out patterns for a living,
...rather than a dull-eyed steakhead who throws 10-yard out patterns for a living,
Bird brained oaf or not (he is), I would also use that club in a round with the guy who gave it to me.
It is beyond cowardly that someone so proud of school-choice doesn’t want to have any accountability. If your system is better, fucking prove it. If you can’t prove it to an unbiased oversight committee / group, then fuck off. “You Cowards!” indeed.
Unfortunately, we have to wait quite some time. But yes, I will be working very hard to make sure he’s not re-elected.
Isn’t this concerning? Don’t Dems need to keep as many congressional positions as possible?
Having Booker et al on stage eliminates the coronation narrative and, I don’t know, maybe eliminates the fervor around Bernie. Or Bernie separates himself more from the other career politicians. I think even having those candidates (even if it’s not ‘their time’) would have been a positive move. The Republicans…
I’m regionally informed/biased, but seeing Booker, maybe Castro and Warren on stage would have been good. Hell, even Cuomo. O’Malley, for all his vanilla, is at least a name, too. NONE of these people looms as large as Clinton/Biden in terms of name recognition, but none were nearly as loathed, either.
We’ll never know, because there weren’t four or five other nominees on stage. Hillary was taking pot-shots at Biden 2 years before the primary and quietly making sure no one of significant clout would be in the primary. He was rightfully exhausted/worn down and couldn’t fight the DNC through a primary. Wonder why…
I am going to do everything that a person with a full-time job (God willing) can do to make sure that Pat Toomey never wins an election in Pennsylvania again.
You keep looking outward instead of inward. Fair or not, Hillary was in the public eye for over 20 years. She was establishment going against an anti-establishment buffoon. So instead of talking down to people who RIGHTFULLY call the last Dem primary what it was - a goddamn coronation - this energy would have been…
The entirety of most white people’s knowledge of black history is limited to Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks, Harriet Tubman and whichever slave movie was most recently nominated for an Oscar.
Blind allegiance to a flawed candidate. That sounds familiar, you fucking idiot.
I used the coronation line all the time. That’s what you get when 9/10 people couldn’t name a third person running in the Democratic primary and the DNC demonstrably favors one candidate over the other.
I keep referencing this list for contacting my elected officials. Any chance this page could be updated in perpetuity?
hahahaha I like this quote
Everybody bitches about Millennials getting participation trophies. Uhh, we were kids. We didn’t have the bright idea to order trophies for everyone, must’ve come from somewhere else..
Elon Musk, among others, is OK with Tillerson. He’s not my first choice but we must stop the bleeding first. DeVos is an easy target because of her lack of experience and lousy hearing. It’s not a gender thing, it’s an easy target thing.
I am hopeful that within the next 2 hours many more Republicans join the condemnation of this order. I think there are 19 right now.