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    What is this subversive patriarchal rhetoric on the holiest of holy days?!!??!

    I'm sorry, is responding to the anachronistic fear-mongering in the article with more anachronistic fear-mongering inappropriate?

    Those funny cigarettes the negroes and mexicans like to smoke are terrifying enough!


    I could get a Mustang V6 for less than that!

    Best sports car under 30K? I raise you a mustang v6, AUTO!

    I would imagine he's using a motorized dolly, a la Ron Fricke in Baraka (shooting of which is pictured, amazing movie). He does the time-lapse shots at a slow tracking speed and the skating shots at a normal tracking speed on the same dolly track, then compositing it in after effects. I noticed the effects were only

    edit: double post

    How the hell did the FCC let Comcast buy NBC when it creates such glaring conflicts of interest such as this.

    beats by dre motorcycle?

    It would be so much better without the high iso noise...

    First the oil rigs, now the nuclear power plants? Goddamn liberals...

    I still say Asians clean up the best

    Game, Set, Match

    How the hell did this guy marry Alicia Keys?

    I read halfway through the article thinking this was an article about discriminating against Hipsters...

    I read halfway through the article thinking it was F Obama...

    Am I really the only person that hasn't had a bad experience with the TSA? While their regulations can sometimes be draconian, and at times even absurd, it seems to be on more of an administrative level than individual. I've interacted with hundreds of blueshirts and they've always been friendly and reasonable. I got