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    Sounds like you have to be a real art whizz to get into micturated media. I bet this guy's portfolio is flush.

    Seems like a quite a peetentious exhibit.

    That may be true, but the car in the video had 4 doors, ergo F30.

    They have 3d printed prototypes shipping immediately for $50.

    Great idea with user submitted bandwidth data and graphs, but the execution could use some work. Anomalies like 9mbps on EV-DO should be taken care of (user agent string?). Also the speeds by time seem to be more of a function of giz pageviews than actual speeds.

    I don't think that works...


    Can we get some more articles about actual cannabis up in here?

    Sorry to be that guy, but online is an adjective or adverb, not a noun.

    Is she the one with the blonde skrillex hair?

    Was I the only one that read the title and just saw strap-on?

    The IS has been and is currently based on a shortened version of the Lexus GS/Toyota Crown platform.

    A Lexus on the FT-86 platform is inevitable IMO, maybe a new IS? With coupe version?

    I still can't get over that logo.

    I'm not entirely convinced that they will be moving to quad core for this generation. You guys seemed to skip over this forum post from February with a supposed picture of an 'A5X' board, implying an evolution of the dual core architecture in the A5, as a quad core would most certainly be named A6.

    I'll just leave this up here.

    apt-get a life. its people like you that make linux suck

    Can you really define modern hackers as b-tards using LOIC? It doesn't take any chops to use a GUI based DDOS tool. Look at stuxnet, conficker etc for evidence of real talent. Their authors probably have a closer resemblance Mr. Marlboro in the video than some XBL 12 year old.

    Lin has great court vision BECAUSE of his eyes. Asians see everything in widescreen.