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    I'm sure the production version will have various types of munitions. Anti-armor, bunker buster, anti-personnel, high explosive, etc. I can't believe I'm pitching the military industrial complex, but this does seem to be a lot better than leveling entire Pakistani villages with hellfires or tomahawks.

    @YummyCyanide: While I'm definitely not in favor of war, this seems to wind up costing a lot less per round, and causing less collateral damage than the million dollar a pop highly explosive tomahawks we currently use. Imagine being able to take out a single room instead of a whole building, from 50 miles away. Less

    @pixelsnader: Iraq with nukes? Either this is the most subtle troll ever, or you don't deserve that star. Also, N. Korea hasn't made any such assurances. The nuclear threat is their only real trump card.

    We need to talk...

    Daihatsu Midget

    @poisonborz: Your attack on the article's supposed ignorance just demonstrates your own. Malaysia has one of the Chinese populations outside of China. Google 華僑, and next time be more careful before making assumptions about other people's cultures.

    The word hipster I find is used almost exclusively by other hipsters. Nobody else cares if you're too ironic.

    All the security (plaincothes) at the Fifth Ave store were armed at all times when I worked there. They were mostly ex-military or ex-police, Apple doesn't fuck around with its security at its money printing factories.

    We could crash 15 of these for the price of one F22. I love planes, and the F22 is pure sex, but that 12 mil really puts things in perspective.

    Do you mean solvents?

    And thank you icefilms...

    @Priper: Hah, you just italicized the whole comment section.

    Holy shit that thing is sexy!

    That thing is HUGE!

    90 days? Icefilms here I come!

    I wish the Dillinger sample was the actual song instead of that pop-punk ska bullshit.

    @qbrad: You eat fertilized eggs?