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    @Goblin: If you're not under contract?

    Kerosene? So you're going to drink a Coleman lamp?

    The pat down is by no means thorough. I forgot my ID and had to go through secondary screening at the JetBlue terminal in JFK. They brought me around the metal detectors and into a holding area. The pat down didn't go above my mid thigh or below my belt. I could've had 2 uzis in there for fucks sake. This security

    @themightyspitz: Knock on wood bro, you're going to get the epic shits any day now...

    It's sad that these days, when Richard Alpert is mentioned, people immediately think of Lost. Maybe because more people know him as Ram Dass, or as the author of Be Here Now.

    @Novaload: NORAD didn't even look into the matter AFAIK because to them it was a non-issue. None of the government PR sources identified it because none of them had any information to suggest otherwise. If liability wasn't a bitch and they were allowed to speculate, I'm sure they would have arrived at the same

    @Pimanrules: "You'll shoot your [cat's] eye out kid!"

    @GC736: Noooo! I'm always the one with the hidden sarcasm tag. Busted....

    @Grimfella: BTX was cancelled along with Netburst a long time ago. Only guys still using the format are OEMs, who have destandardized it back into propriety.

    Why does this idea seem so familiar? Oh yes, that thing called ATX...

    I know DADT was just repealed but....

    @robot-shmobot: Am I the only one that believes the 200 is actually a halfway decent looking rental car? Fleet sales are important.

    Rosa are you stoned?

    @buckleyneko: Among the different readings possible, I'd say it's read kyubōku. The first character is the kanji for 9 or ku, not the katakana for ka. It literally means 9 mother/female suffering/hardship, but I'm positive its only phonetic.

    @dallasmay: I have my series 7, i'm well aware, you condescending bastard. :D

    @dallasmay: Don't you think all the Wall St. analysts anticipate that as well? The price already reflects the general post-keynote cynicism

    @dallasmay: And if you're wrong? Boom! Cost basis through the roof. I remember hearing guys like you saying it was peaking at 220 after the rebound. Btw this isn't motivated by fanboyism, more like pragmatism.