
It's not like I have a lot of torrented anime I will be watching on my Xbox one or anything in .mkv format but I can see this being super useful. Awesome!

Good on CM for offering refunds and updating the description! Between this and putting off the next-gen version of F1 2014 until next year (and getting rid of the Martini logo on the Williams-Martini) I'd basically lost a lot of trust in them. Eh, I suppose I'll just be driving my toothpaste mobile in the 2015

There is a lack of mention for Amped 3. Silliest and yet most interesting launch game for the Xbox 360. It's mostly about snowboarding, but why leave it at that? There's an entire mini-game set dealing with how badly you can wreck yourself. You can also ride snowmobiles.

Get ready to go to the French music festival of your dreams/nightmares in the fall.

Platformer here!

I saw a guy tagged with "Diagnosed with Parkinson's" and he was wearing a McFly vest. I wasn't sure if I should laugh or not so I just stared at my TV screen awkwardly for about half a minute.

Ugh, I have an amazing idea but sadly I'm actually having trouble because making shit that I want transparent in Gimp actually transparent is not so simple.

Grats, RHR!

Now playing

I'm gonna vouch for the season 2 opening of Love Live. I'm not even sure if this should technically count or not because it's from a music anime, but still it's a fun and encouraging song that captures the spirit of Love Live so far. Unfortunately, it's very difficult to find it on Youtube because for whatever

I got it about a month ago. I had a party for my high school graduation and received lots of money from family members I either knew or had no idea of their existence. I had somewhere between $700 and $800. Right, not a bad take I have to say. I used this money to procure an Xbox One. Been looking forward to owning

Sounds like a good watch, then! I'll be on the lookout for your stream when the time comes.

I'm rather excited to pop this game in my One once it comes out. I've already decided for myself that my first play through I'll use as much hacking and as few bullets as possible. Maybe even go for a totally gun-free play through just for the challenge if the game lets me. Hmm.

I played the translated version of the original and I really loved all three characters so it was pretty hard for me to decide which one to go with. The game set me up with Manaka, so that was fine. Then I got to the second stage of the game. I don't really have a lot of time on my hands for a few weeks, so I won't be

What Pokemon were named after US states

Now playing

At one point, I was very convinced in order to join the armed forces band in Japan you needed to properly learn at least one PreCure opening song because I've heard 'em do so many of them.

Titanfall's fault or not I am making this joke and you can't stop me.

Whilst I think the "least hyped" Xbox One game is Sunset Overdrive (Insomniac has been super mum and I'm a little disappointed about that, but that's deviating from the original topic) I certainly agree on the potential of Project Spark! I wonder what sorts of creative floodgates will open once the game is actually

For me, I would say the cast of 3 rather than 4. Do I still love Chie, Yosuke, Yukiko, Naoto, Rise, Kanji, and Teddie? Of course!

I've been excited for this game ever since Sega announced its existence to the world. Knowing them, it more than likely won't come over. Guess I'll just have to import myself a copy of the Vita version at some point in time.