
Queen Elizabeth: Shotgun!

All the fins!

This makes me happy.

Not that I’m biased or anything, but I think my new-to-me everyday car is going to look pretty good in a few more years as well.

I was in Atlanta on business and took MARTA instead of renting a car. I had the worst head cold of my life and could not smell anything. I was coughing up a storm. About 5 minutes in to my ride I noticed people were staring at me strange, almost with fear. This went on for about two stops until a nice Asian lady came

When I lived in NYC, around early 2004, I was taking the L train back from Lorimer to the East Village. On the same train car, no exaggeration: Homeless man walks into center of the L train, drops his pants and takes a shit on the subway car floor. No one even batted an eyelash.

While that’s correct, I don’t think it’s actually the answer you’re looking for. Both engines, between the ‘14 & ‘15 are boxers, which is what the video and article are about. The real key, in my opinion, is that the ‘15 uses a different turbo - a twin scroll - which necessitates equal length headers.

The S-class convertible only seats four because it is expected that every 5th person in your social circle has their own S-class convertible.

I do not recommend hitting any of the Hells Angels with your vehicle. Or really anyone else, for that matter.

It really is a fabulous looking car!

I have no preference between the brz and fr-s. I’d trade in for either if either had 50 more horse and torque.

Having to stare at this

Engines of all types are designed for a certain level of load. A performance engine is going to be designed to ingest a certain amount of fuel and air during use. If you baby the shit out of your V10 and it's barely breathing this is what you get.

I love that they actually sell UELs for the BR-Z / FR-S twins. Sounds great man

This is what I saw...

Yeah but most of those engines made pretty good power (especially torque) for the size car they were put in.