Hamster Poop

@DAS: Get an XL. DSiWare is awesome, and the big screens are even more awesome.

@Veit: Dictionary.com would say otherwise.

@Back In Time: Had you looked, you would have seen it :)

@symphonycometh: I don't see how people feel abandoned by Nintendo. They are releasing the same kinds of games they always have, as well as games for new gamers. I think the ones who feel abandoned are the self centered ones who think every single game should cater to their tastes.

@fELIXADER: They've already released a ton of stuff and have more coming. I think you are expecting too much. They've never released tons of first party games. They are releasing more on the Wii than they have previously.

@Veit: Actually, yes it does. Low taxes in the US compared to Canada, but they'll nail you for winnings, whereas we get everything. That is unexpected, which makes it an example of something being ironic.

Now THIS I can get into.

Normally I hate PETA and everything they do, but I have to say I don't have a problem with this. Yes, it's only a game, but pit bulls already have a bad reputation because of how they are bred and raised. And we know some people can't separate video games from real life.

"Ragequit" and "ragequitting" should be in quotes since it's not a real word.

There were two women, and they went to the veterinarian's office. One of them had a poodle, the other had a great Dane. The woman with the great Dane said to the woman with the poodle, "Why are you here?"

@coppanuva: It's the DS version of New Super Mario Bros., not the Wii version. But is still well worth playing. It's why I got a DS.

@DNinja: Millions like pretending they're someone they're not. That's what video games are all about.

@Lider: Fiscal years don't end in May. They meant March 31, 2011.

@fELIXADER: What is your problem? Does everything they release have to appeal to you? There are other gamers out there.

@Ogbert: Tiger Woods 10, Wii Sports Resort, Grand Slam Tennis, Red Steel 2, Avatar, Virtua Tennis 2009, NHL 2K10, among several others.

@El_Mexicutioner: Wii Party doesn't match the picture of outer space at the back of Nintendo Power.