Hamster Poop

@B45: It's more likely that the servers to authenticate won't be around forever.

Sega actually developed something in-house??

@ElephantFace: Because people, especially white people, like to be offended. If I call you a faggot, thee will be someone on here who isn't gay, that will be offended. If I call you a jigaboo, there will be someone on here who isn't black that will be offended. That's just how it works.

@Eruanno: a Boy and His Blob

Oh, look! A web site relying on the archaic, lowly print magazine for a story.

@rich8606: He's half Japanese. He'll always be micro.

@battra92: Ah, baseball. The lazy man's sport.

@AncientUnknown1: 20 million consoles sold in one year and you think they should work on a new console? It will be a long while before the numbers are low enough that they need to do that.

@Eruanno: You haven't been looking then. There are lots of great third party games.

@ElephantFace: I don't need to know it. I can use whichever one I choose. It doesn't have to depend on your ethnicity, it has to depend on which ones you find offensive based on what negative connotations the word has.

I've got a white one. And I will always have a white one.

@Arthur-Otaku: Because being SD is so terrible, and automatically means inferior games.

Voted for Lego. He/she is now in the lead :)

@ElephantFace: I had it sitting in my drawer for 5 months because I was busy with other games. I didn't feel compelled to start it when I was playing a few other games at the same time, regardless of whether it was one of the best PS3 games. If I didn't want to trade it in to take advantage of a current promo, I

@pandafresh: Looking at the images posted in the article, I am unimpressed. If I ever see a copy, I'll check it out though.

@zåɳzißarlegeпȡ: It is. I first saw it last week. I was impatient, so I bought a copy. then I got home and my subscription copy was in the mailbox :)

@lphntFc: Sht th fck p, y cnt. S bcs dn't gsh vr nchrtd 2, 'm "trll"? sd t ws gd gm. 'm llwd t hv cmplnts bt gm. ny gm. Th nly "trll" hr s y. Myb y shld lrn wht tht wrd s sppsd t mn mng y nrds bfr y strt thrwng t t nyn y dsgr wth.