Hamster Poop

@Bakeroo: Not a fan of Home on the Range? That was there last animated film before last year.

Oh well. Move on. It's just a studio.

@cjlopez: That's one of the reasons I stopped running my games off a hard drive with the last guide. I like having the machine keep track of how long I played each game.

@Kovitlac: I don't hate any company. They are just a company. And almost every company has a couple of games worth playing. And even if they don't, so what? Ignore them.

@Toshiya: you're the exception. Lots of people keep saying they hate Activision, but will go and hand them their money in the fall when then next run-of-the-mill Call of Duty game comes out.

That's nice.

@Cchrist: Because his dad is a moron.

I love how everyone claims to hate Activision, but will turn around and hand them money when the next Call of Duty comes out. Yeah, you sure hate them alright!

@Bichatse: Innocence from the sexuality of breasts. While not sex organs, women's breasts are sexual in our society. This isn't some back water African sand country. Breasts are seen as sexual objects when not stuck in a baby's mouth, and that is fine, because they are lots of fun. Sex is not evil either by any

@sirspankalot: How so? Do you have children of your own? If not, then have your own, and then get back to me on whether you want them to see tits - drawn or otherwise - in a public place.

@MattyMattMatt: But an erect penis is also natural. As is that erect penis going into the vagina. So why hide them? Why not just show everything to young children?

@chewblaha: It's still a game. You not liking it doesn't mean it's not a game.

@BadAxel97: This isn't about it being the best game of all time. It's about being the BEST SELLING. Those things are not mutually exclusive. Wii Play has sold the most games so it does DESERVE the title of BEST SELLING game of all time.

@Givafuk: It's not something I pay attention to. It's nice to see a game console in the show, but I don't really pay attention to how they are playing it. I am always watching the characters faces when they are talking. And they are almost always talking while they play.

@PsychoNun: It looks enjoyable, but is it actually? Hard to tell about these two game at the moment. I actually don't remember any After Burner game getting any high praise. Was there at least one that the magazines enjoyed a lot? The 32X version? That one seemed fun, but I don't remember what reviewers thought of it.

Is there a similar trick for blu-ray players?